Department of Meteorology and Environment Protection, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague

Address: V Holešovičkách 2, Praha 8, 180 00
Phone: + 420 221 912 547
Fax: + 420 221 912 533

Courses taught

Magister (Mgr.) of Meteorology and Climatology

Planning: 2 years, 4 semesters
Tuition fees:

Recommended Course of Study

Obtaining basic knowledge in the following courses is a necessary condition for

successful studies in this specialization:

Code Subject Credits Winter Summer

NMET050 Physical Measurement Processing Methods    6 — 2/2 Ex

NMET049 Seminar on Physical Measurement Processing   3 — 0/2 C

NMET023 Dynamic meteorology 6 3/1 C+Ex —

NMET035 Synoptic Meteorology I 3 — 2/0 Ex

NMET012 General Climatology 6 4/0 Ex —

NMET021 Meteorological Instruments and Observational Methods   4  3/0 Ex —

NMET034 Hydrodynamics 6 — 3/1 C+Ex


Students can enroll in these courses in the 3rd year of the Bachelor Physics Study

Program. Admission to the State Final Master Examination is possible only on the

basis of completion of these courses or their equivalents.


1st year of studies of the Continuing Master Study Program

Code Subject Credits Winter Summer

NMET036 Synoptic Meteorology II 4 3/0 Ex —

NMET002 Boundary Layer Physics 4 3/0 Ex —

NMET013 Analysis of weather charts 6 1/3 MC —

NMAF013 Methods of Numerical Mathematics I 3 2/0 Ex —

NMAF014 Methods of Numerical Mathematics II 6 — 2/2 C+Ex

NMET014 Ojective analysis of meteorological fields 6 — 4/0 MC

NMET010 Special Seminar on Climatology 4 — 0/3 C

NMET020 Satellite and Radar Observations of Meteorological Phenomena I 5 — 2/1 C+Ex

NMET003 Physics of Clouds and Precipitation 3 — 2/0 Ex

NMET033 Synoptic interpretation of diagnostic and prognostic fields 6 — 2/2 C+Ex

NSZZ023 Diploma Thesis I 6 — 0/4 C

NMET011 Statistical Methods in Meteorology and Climatology 6 2/2 C+Ex —

NMET004 Propagation of Acoustic and Electromagnetic Waves in Atmosphere 4 3/0 Ex —

NMET009 Regional Climatology and Climatography of the Czech Republic 6 4/0 Ex —

NMET025 Wave Motions and Energetics of the Atmosphere 4 3/0 Ex —

NMET032 Atmospheric Turbulence 4 3/0 Ex —

NMET024 Dynamical forecast methods 7 3/2 C+Ex —

NMET060 Prediction Models in Weather Forecasting 3 2/0 Ex —

NMET065 User-friendly Linux 4 0/3 C —

NMET067 Stratosphere 6 2/2 C+Ex —

NMET008 Numerical Solution of Forecast Model Equations 3 — 2/0 Ex

NMET063 Time Series Processing Methods 5 — 2/1 C+Ex

NMET071 Applied Climatology I 3 — 2/0 Ex

NMET066 Meteorological Computer Seminar 4 — 0/3 C

NMET068 Oceans in Climate System 6 — 2/2 C+Ex

NMET064 Aerosol Engineering 3 — 2/0 Ex


The department recommends to accomplish 2 weeks of practical training experience

and 3 weeks of diploma thesis practice.


2nd year of studies of the Continuing Master Study Program

Code Subject Credits Winter Summer

NMET019 Atmospheric Chemistry 3 2/0 Ex —

NMET038 Special Seminar on Meteorology I 4 0/3 C —

NMET039 Special Seminar on Meteorology II 4 — 0/3 C

NSZZ024 Diploma Thesis II 9 0/6 C —

NSZZ025 Diploma Thesis III 15 — 0/10 C

NMAF045 Special Seminar on Numerical Model Implementation I 3 0/2 C —

NMAF046 Special Seminar on Numerical Model Implementation II 3 — 0/2 C

NMET015 Aviation meteorology 3 — 2/0 Ex

NMET001 Electric Phenomena in Atmosphere 3 2/0 Ex —

NMET005 Emission Propagation in Atmosphere 3 2/0 Ex —

NMET031 Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes 4 3/0 Ex —

NMET054 Mathematical Modelling of Cloud and Precipitation Processes in Atmosphere 3 2/0 Ex —

NMAF036 Numerical Solution of Flow Problems 5 2/1 C+Ex —

NMET059 Modelling Techniques for Numerical Weather Forecasting 3 0/2 C —

NMET072 Appliead climatology II 3 2/0 Ex —

NMET061 Seminar on Projects I 6 0/4 C —

NMET062 Seminar on Projects II 6 — 0/4 C

NMET517 Selected Topics on Geophysical Hydrodynamics 3 — 2/0 Ex


Conditions of enrollment for the State Final Examination

– obtaining at least 120 credits

– completion of the core courses required for the enrollment for the State Final


– obtaining of at least 18 credits of the optional core courses

– submission of the diploma thesis in the form prescribed

A module can be completed if it has been previously passed or if it has been accepted.


Requirements of the oral part of the State Final Examination

A. Common requirements for the oral part of the State Final Examination

Horizontal and vertical distributions of meteorological elements, diurnal and annual

courses. Thermodynamic of dry, moist and saturated air – characteristics of moisture,

equations of state, reversible adiabatic processes, pseudoadiabatic process, water

phase changes. Atmosphere in hydrostatic balance – homogeneous, adiabatic, isothermal

atmosphere. Vertical stability of atmosphere – parcel method, slab method, indraft

method, temperature inversion and reasons of the creation of it. Kinematics and dynamic

of air flow, impact of friction on the air flow, basic kinds of air flows (geostrophic

and ageostrophic wind and its components, gradient, divergent, non-divergent air-flow

etc.). Vertical wind changes, wind shear, thermal wind. Air masses – their formation,

types, transformation, characteristics and weather conditions. Atmospheric fronts

– definition, dynamic and kinematics condition of the front, pressure field, types of

the fronts, weather. Cyclones and anticyclones – barotropic and baroclinic instability.

Structure and development of cyclones and anticyclones, regeneration, pressure

changes, temperature changes, weather conditions in cyclones and anticyclones, height

frontal zones, deformation field. Jet stream. Vorticity and circulation, circulation theorems,

vorticity equation, divergence equation, balance equation and their application.

Kinds of vertical motions and methods of their computation, omrgsa equation and its

discussion. Convection forecast. Energetics of the atmosphere, energy transformation

in the atmosphere, available potential energy, waves and oscillations in the atmosphere.

Ground chart and upper-air chart and their construction, methods of meteorological

element fields forecasts.

Climate system, observed atmospheric and oceanic conditions (temperature structure,

precipitation, salinity). Radiation and heat balance of the Earth’s surface, atmosphere and system Earth–atmosphere (physical laws, solar radiation, long-wave radiation,

radiation equations, heat flow into lithosphere and hydrosphere). Diurnal and

annual courses of individual components of radiation and heat balances. Influence

of the active surface on the radiation and heat balances. Basic parametrization of

the radiation and heat balance components. Water balance of the atmosphere, continents

and oceans. Atmospheric circulation. General circulation of the troposphere

and stratosphere, trade winds and monsoon circulation, intertropical convergence zone,

local circulation systems. Circulation in oceans, interaction atmosphere – ocean. Natural

and anthropogenic climate changes, reasons of climate changes, sensitivity of the

climate system on the outside and inside impacts, feedbacks, global climate models.

Methods of statistical analysis of climatic elements and fields.

Planetary boundary layer of atmosphere. Theory of the viscous flow, Navier-Stokes

equation, characteristics of similarity. Atmospheric turbulence, mechanical and thermal

reasons of turbulent diffusion, equations of turbulent flow, Reynolds stresses, Prandtl’s

mixing length theory, coefficients of turbulent diffusion, isotropic and anisotropic turbulence,

turbulence intensity, dynamic (friction) velocity. Constant flux (surface) layer

and spiral layer theories, laminar sublayer, vertical profile of flow within the constant

flux layer, Taylor (Ekman ) spiral and its generalization for the real atmospheric processes.

Heat and water vapour diffusion in the boundary layer, temperature and moisture

courses in the boundary layer, convection within the boundary layer, turbulent and

convection heat and moisture fluxes, evaporation conditions within the boundary layer,

radiation processes near the Earth’s surface. Kinetic energy transformation within the

boundary layer, turbulent kinetic energy, similarity theory, Richardson number, Monin-

Obukhov length, dimensionless vertical profiles of velocity components, temperature

and moisture, closure problem. Air flow over obstacle, boundary layer models.

Microstructure and macrostructure of clouds, role of condensation and crystallic

nuclei, coalescence, theory of precipitation formation, refraction, reflex and scattering of

electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere, sound propagation in the atmosphere, cloud

electricity, electrical discharges in the atmosphere, explanation of the basic phenomena

of atmospheric optics, acoustics and electricity, meteorological visibility theory, radar

equation, radar and satellite methods of meteorological observations.


B. Specific Focus

The students choose two of the topic groups 1-3.

1. Topic Group

Formulation of the weather prediction models equations, simplifying approximations,

implementation of wave motions, hydrostatic prediction model, shallow water

equations, initial and boundary values formulation for prognostic models (global model,

limited area model), horizontal and vertical coordinates used in models, transformed

terrain following coordinate system, input data preparation, objective analysis and

data assimilation, initialisation, normal modes, methods of temporal integration of the

prognostic model equations (explicit and semiimplicit methods of temporal approximation),

stability of approximation and convergence of temporal integration schemes,

spatial approximation of the equations – finite difference methods, Galerkin approximation

– spectral methods and method of finite elements, factorisation method, approximation

of non- linear semesters of equations in Euler form with a semi-Lagrangian

method, parametrization of some physical processes (phase changes of water in the atmosphere, precipitation, convection, boundary layer processes, radiation etc.). Synoptic

interpretation of model outputs, main factors limiting the successful prediction of

the meteorological fields, theoretical and practical limits of predictability.

2. Topic Group

Structure of energetic and radiation-convective models, parametrization of meridional

transport of energy, radiation processes, feedback. 3D circulation climatic models.

Structure of models with oceanic mixing layer, interpretations of model outputs.

Structure of the models atmosphere – ocean, parametrization of fundamental physical

processes, outputs interpretations (control climate, experiment with the concentration

growth of radiation active gases and aerosols in the atmosphere). Statistical methods

of atmospheric circulation objective classifications.

3. Topic Group

Anthropogenic air-pollution and its sources, emissions, exhaust emission (exhalation),

pollutants (immission), air- pollution diffusion, principal kinds of models for airpollution

transport in the atmosphere and their application, input parameters, spatial

scales of air- -pollution transport, tracers, dry and wet deposition, chemical reactions of

air- pollution, bases of atmospheric chemistry, pollution of cloud water and precipitation,

ground and stratospheric ozone, typology of the atmospheric conditions for the air

quality demands, air-pollution monitoring, ecological problems related to air-pollution.

Coordinated by: Department of Meteorology and Environment Protection

Study branch coordinator: Doc. RNDr. Josef Brechler, CSc.

Characterization of Study Specialization

The graduate has a wide knowledge of basic physics, especially physics of the atmosphere,

and essential mathematical methods. He/she is able to deal with tasks in both basic and applied research or in wide meteorological practice (e.g., weather service).

In particular, his/her knowledge consists of atmospheric dynamics, energetics

and circulation and it can be used especially in numerical weather prediction, modeling

of air-pollution transport, dispersion and transformation of air-pollution, modeling of

climate, climate changes and anthropogenic impact on it. Alumni have a good knowledge

of atmospheric optics, acoustics and electricity which allows them to participate

in many technical applications, both research and operational ones.

Bachelor (BSc.) of Applied Meteorology

Tuition fees:

Bases of applied physics of atmosphere

NAFY048 [4] Bednár, Jan; Pišoft, Petr; Huszár, Peter 3/0 Ex —

Scattering and absorption of electromagnetic and acoustic waves in atmosphere. Optical

and acoustic phenomena in connection with fields of air temperature and density, water

droplets, ice and aerosol particles. Bases of cloud physics, water condensation, coalescence

processes, freezing of water droplets, conditions for precipitation, microstructure

and macrostructure of stratiform and convective clouds. Basic knowledge of atmospheric

electricity, lightnings.


Seminar on data processing and visualization in meteorology I

NAFY047 [3] Belda, Michal; Žák, Michal 0/2 MC —

The aim of the seminar is to introduce practical approaches for processing and visualization

of meteorological datasets as well as utilization of the geographical information

systems in meteorology and climatology. The first part of the seminar is intended mainly

for description of various software tools and system environment; the second part of the

seminar is aimed on practical applications of gained knowledge.

Seminar on data processing and visualization in meteorology II

NAFY082 [3] Belda, Michal; Žák, Michal — 0/2 C

The aim of the seminar is to provide students with knowledge about practical procedures

of meteorological data processing and visualization and the use of geographical information

systems in meteorology and climatology. The first part of the seminar is devoted

to introduction of software, the second part will consist mainly of practical application

of gained knowledge

Applied physics of boundary layer

NAFY044 [9] Brechler, Josef; Fuka, Vladimír 4/2 C, Ex —

Physical processes in the lowermost layer of the atmosphere affected with the properties

of the Earth surface. Atmospheric turbulence and its impact on the atmospheric

processes. Vertical temperature stratification and atmospheric stability. Impact of orography.

Air pollution sources, transport of air-pollution, impact of the meteorological

conditions, deposition, principlas of chemical transformations and processes in the atmosphere,

secondary pollution, overview and principles of the air pollution models,

results interpretation.


Numerical Methods in Meteorology

NAFY042 [6] Brechler, Josef; Beneš, Ludek; Fuka, Vladimír — 2/2 C, Ex

This course together with the seminar gives the students basic knowledge in the field

of the numerical methods used in the atmospheric processes modelling and predictions.

Stress will be given to chosen numerical methods and their application in the atmospheric

physics as, for example, continuous and discrete problems, spatial and temporal

discretization, convergence criteria, resolution, principles and attributes of the used

methods (finite differences, finite volumes, spectral methods), explicit, semi-implicit and

implicit time integration methods, model results interpretation.

Prognostic and observation methods

NAFY049 [4] Halenka, Tomáš; Žák, Michal — 0/3 MC

Students will gain knowledge about principles of observation methods used in meteorology

including possibilities of distant methods and further with methods for meteorological

characteristics analysis and with tools for vertical structure of atmosphere



Basic course in applied meteorology

NAFY043 [6] Halenka, Tomáš; Žák, Michal; Raidl, Aleš — 3/1 C, Ex

Applied climatology

NAFY045 [4] Holtanová, Eva; Kalvová, Jaroslava 3/0 Ex —

The subject is intended for the students of the program Applied meteorology. They

will get to know the basics of general climatology, regional climatology, processing of

climatic data. They will also be given an overview of history of Earth’s climate, the

development of climate change scenarios and selected applications of climatology in

related fields.

Statistical methods in meteorology

NAFY041 [6] Kalvová, Jaroslava; Holtanová, Eva; Mikšovský, Jirí — 2/2 C, Ex

The subject will provide students with knowledge of basic skills in statistical data analysis.

The attention will be paid to fundamental concepts of probability calculus, descriptive

statistics, probability distributions and parameter estimates, hypothesis testing,

linear correlation and linear regression.

Seminar on models output analysis

NAFY083 [3] Mikšovský, Jirí; Pišoft, Petr — 0/2 C

The aim of the seminar is to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical

skills in analysis and application of outputs of numerical models used in the field of atmospheric

physics, both prognostic and climatic. The attention will be paid to practices

of prediction evaluation, verification and validation of model simulations, as well as data

formats used for meteorological data storage.

Physical view of liquid and gass flows

NAFY081 [3] Skrbek, Ladislav; Brechler, Josef; Fuka, Vladimír — 2/0 Ex

This course is aimed to the students of the applied meteorology, material physics and

biomedical physics. The goal of the lecture is to give the students basic knowledge

about fluid flows of the ideal and real fluids from the point of view of physics.

Seminar of meteorological data analysis and interpretation

NAFY046 [6] Žák, Michal — 0/4 C

: Students will gain knowledge about principles of meteorological data analysis and

about possibilities of their interpretation that are used in weather services.

Programming in IDL – Data Processing and Visualisation

NEVF135 [3] Prech, Lubomír; Nemec, František 1/1 MC —

The aim of the seminar is to provide students with knowledge about practical procedures

of meteorological data processing and visualization and the use of geographical information

systems in meteorology and climatology. The first part of the seminar is devoted

to introduction of software, the second part will consist mainly of practical application

of gained knowledge.

Review of Geophysics for Meteorologists

NGEO019 [3] Novotný, Oldrich » 2/0 Ex « not taught

Historical review of the study of the figure of the Earth. Motions of the Earth. Legendre

polynomials. Geomagnetism. Seismology and the constitution of the Earth. Physics of

the ionosphere and magnetosphere. The lecture is intended for students of meteorology

and other interested students.

Selected Chapters on Quantum Mechanics

NOFY043 [5] Bílek, Oldrich; Skála, Lubomír 2/1 C, Ex —

The fundamental concepts and postulates of qantum mechanics (QM). The elementary

explanation of principles and selected applications of QM intended for the students who

do not need the deeper knowledge of QM as a qualification for the understanding of

the subsequent lectures. Schrödinger equation. Simple applications. The approximate

methods of QM. Spin. Many-particle systems. The nature of chemical bond. Electron

in the periodic field. The additional topics by agreement with students. The lecture

is meant e.g. for the students of geophysics, meteorology and some mathematical


Interchangeability: NUFY030

Doctor (Ph.D.) of Meteorology

Tuition fees:

Mathematical Modelling of Atmospheric Processes [DF8]

NMET502 [3] Batka, Michal; Brechler, Josef 2/0 Ex —

Formulation of model equations in various coordinate systems, methods of objective

analysis, initialization, parametrization of physical and subgrid scale processes.


Numerical Forecasting Methods [DF8]

NMET508 [3] Batka, Michal; Brechler, Josef — 2/0 Ex

Initial and boundary value problem for non-linear partial differential equations of atmospheric

dynamics and numerical methods of their solution (methods based on difference

approach, finite volumes or Galerkin approximation).


Numerical Solution of Forecast Model Equations

NMET008 [3] Batka, Michal — 2/0 Ex

Fundamental theory for solving the prognostic equations of atmospheric models


Prediction Models in Weather Forecasting

NMET060 [3] Batka, Michal 2/0 Ex —

Physical and mathematical formulation equations of meteorological of forecast models,

thier properties and principles of solving forecasting equations.

Special Seminar on Numerical Model Implementation I

NMAF045 [3] Batka, Michal 0/2 C —

Seminar is intended to problems of numerical integration conserving the atmospheric

dynamics. It is supposed that students are familiar with fundamental topic from lecture

„Numerical solution of equations used in prognostic modelsÿ.

Co-requisite: NMET008 Incompatibility: NMAF015 Interchangeability: NMAF015


Special Seminar on Numerical Model Implementation II

NMAF046 [3] Batka, Michal — 0/2 C

Seminar is focused on practical problems connected with realization of numerical weather

prediction models, programming and numerical computations.

Co-requisite: NMET008 Incompatibility: NMAF015 Interchangeability: NMAF015

Atmospheric Aerosols [DF8]

NMET505 [3] Bednár, Jan — 2/0 Ex

Sources, physical and chemical properties of atmospheric aerosols, size of particles,

depozition and coagulation, role of aerosols in atmospheric physics


Electric Phenomena in Atmosphere

NMET001 [3] Bednár, Jan 2/0 Ex —

Fundamental processes of atmospheric electricity, electrical structure of atmosphere,

electricity of fine weather conditions, cloud and thunderstorm electricity, point discharges,



Physics of Clouds and Precipitation

NMET003 [3] Bednár, Jan — 2/0 Ex

Processes of cloud physics, condensation of water vapour, coalescence of droplets, freezing

of water in atmospheric conditions, formation of precipitation, microstructure and

macrostructure of stratiform and convective clouds.


Atmospheric Chemistry

NMET019 [3] Bednár, Jan; Huszár, Peter 2/0 Ex —

Fundamental chemical process in the atmosphere and affecting the environment.

Meteorology and Climatology

NMET056 [6] Bednár, Jan — 2/2 C(, Ex)

Introduction to meteorology and climatology for ecologists. Part 1. Subject for students

of Natural Sciences Faculty of CU.


Meteorology and Climatology

NMET058 [3] Bednár, Jan 2/0 C(, Ex) —

Introduction to meteorology and climatology for ecologists. Part 2. Subject for students

of Natural Sciences Faculty of CU.


Seminar on Contemporary Problems of Meteorology [DF8]

NMET513 [2] Bednár, Jan » 0/1 C «

Seminar on the current problems of meteorology with emphasis both in local and global

issues. Seminars of Czech Meterological Society, internal seminars of Department of

Meteorology and Environment Protection.


Seminar on Dynamic and Synoptic Meteorology [DF8]

NMET515 [3] Bednár, Jan 0/2 C —

Topical problems of dynamical and synoptic meteorology, weather forecasts etc.

Propagation of Acoustic and Electromagnetic Waves in Atmosphere

NMET004 [4] Bednár, Jan 3/0 Ex —

Scattering and absorption of electromagnetic and acoustic waves in atmosphere, optical

and acoustic phenomena in connection with stratification of air, water droplets, ice and

aerosol particles.

Emission Propagation in Atmosphere

NMET005 [3] Bednár, Jan 2/0 Ex —

Sources of air pollution, transport of antropogenous polluting substances, in conncection

with atmospheric conditions, dry and wet deposition, basic chemical transformations,

air pollution modelling, lagrangian and eulerian models.

Air Pollution Transport [DF8]

NMET504 [3] Bednár, Jan; Brechler, Josef — 2/0 Ex

Sources, processes of transportation deposition and transformation of air pollution,

methods of modelling, Lagrangian and Eulerian models


Introduction to Meteorology [B]

NMET051 [5] Bednár, Jan 2/1 C, Ex — not taught

Basic information concerning atmospheric processes, introduction to the studies of dynamical

and synoptic meteorology.


Selected Topics on Dynamic Meteorology [DF8]

NMET503 [3] Bednár, Jan 2/0 Ex —

Advanced chapters of atmospheric dynamics, energetics and circulation


Meteorological Computer Seminar

NMET066 [4] Belda, Michal — 0/3 C

The aim of the seminar is to introduce advanced applications in the Linux operating

system, oriented on the meteorological applications.

Methods of Numerical Mathematics I

NMAF013 [3] Beneš, Ludek 2/0 Ex —

The course, together with the Methods of Numerical Mathematics II, covers fundamentals

of the numerical mathematics. The course is devoted to mathematical modelling

and numerical solution of the ordinary and partial differential equations.


Methods of Numerical Mathematics II

NMAF014 [6] Beneš, Ludek — 2/2 C, Ex

The course, together with the Methods of Numerical Mathematics I, covers fundamentals

of the numerical mathematics. The course is devoted to mathematical modelling

and numerical solution of the ordinary and partial differential equations.



NMET523 [6] Bonazzola, Marine 3/1 C, Ex — not taught

Elements of ideal and real fluids motion. Applications in atmospheric physics are emphasized

in the lecture.

Incompatibility: NMET034 Interchangeability: NMET034

Atmospheric processes I

NMET521 [6] Brechler, Josef 4/0 Ex —

Description and interpretation of basic processes in the Earth atmosphere, atmosphere

as a physical system with complex feedbacks. Lecture is appropriate for doctoral students

with previous master studies out of main streem of meteorology and climatology.

Education is organized in tutor way and the sylabus is individually accomodated to content

of previous studies of doctorand and also to character of doctoral thesis. This

sylabus is included into the individual schedule of studies of doctorand.


Atmospheric procesess II

NMET522 [6] Brechler, Josef — 4/0 Ex

Description and interpretation of basic processes in the Earth atmosphere, atmosphere

as a physical system with complex feedbacks. Lecture is appropriate for doctoral students

with previous master studies out of main streem of meteorology and climatology. Education is organized in tutor way and the sylabus is individually accomodated to content

of previous studies of doctorand and also to character of doctoral thesis. This

sylabus is included into the individual schedule of studies of doctorand.


Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes

NMET031 [4] Brechler, Josef 3/0 Ex —

Definition and specification of mesoscale processes, their physical mechanism. Methods

of diagnosis and forecast of these processes. Knowledge gained from lectures NMET023,

NMET002, NMET035, NMET036 are supposed


Boundary Layer Physics

NMET002 [4] Brechler, Josef 3/0 Ex —

Physical processes in the lowermost layer of the Earth’s atmosphere affected with the

physical properties of this surface. Knowledge gained from lecture on dynamic meteorology

is supposed.



NMET007 [3] Brechler, Josef — 2/0 Ex

Introduction to the physics of atmosphere. Lectures are aimed to non-specialists.


Programming in meteorology

NPRF031 [6] Brechler, Josef; Fuka, Vladimír; Belda, Michal — 2/2 MC

Basic applications of computers to meteorological problems.

Synoptic interpretation of diagnostic and prognostic fields [F]

NMET033 [6] Brechler, Josef; Šír, Arnošt — 2/2 C, Ex

Methods of processing and interpretation of meteorological data.


Modelling Techniques for Numerical Weather Forecasting

NMET059 [3] Brožková, Radmila; Geleyn, J.-F. 0/2 C —

Basis of the atmospheric modeling, dynamics and instabilities in the atmosphere, physics,

data assimilation, synthesis. The main goal of the seminar is to demonstrate that

learning models’ behaviour is as instructive as the comparison of their results with



Dynamic meteorology

NMET023 [6] Halenka, Tomáš 3/1 C, Ex —

Thermodynamic system in the atmosphere and ocean, I. and II. law of thermodynamics

in the atmosphere, balance in thermodynamics, dry adiabatic processes, adiabatic processes

in the ocean, thermodynamics of moist air, saturation, phase changes, pseudoadiabatic

process in moist air. Hydrostatic equilibrium, models of the Earth’s atmosphere,

standard atmosphere, vertical stability of the atmosphere and ocean. Coordinate

systems for equation of atmosphere, primitive equations, types of the atmospheric

flow, vertical structure of flow field, horizontal and vertical structure of pressure field,

synoptic systems, atmospheric fronts and frontogenesis, divergence and continuity equation,

vorticity and circulation, potential vorticity. Time variations in the atmosphere,

pressure tendency, vorticity equation, divergence theorem. Mass – flow balance in the

atmosphere, omega equation, waves in the atmosphere. Energetics of the atmosphere,

general circulation, stratospheric circulation, circulation in ocean, tropical circulation.

Incompatibility: NMET074 Interchangeability: NMET074

Dynamical forecast methods

NMET024 [7] Halenka, Tomáš; Belda, Michal; Huszár, Peter 3/2 C, Ex —

Numerical weather prediction, mathematical and physical principles of the atmospheric

modelling methods.


Dynamics of Ocean-Atmosphere System [DF8]

NMET509 [3] Halenka, Tomáš 2/0 Ex —

Thermodynamic system in the atmosphere and ocean, mean state of ocean parameters,

temperature, density, salinity, their consequences for ocean circulation. Dynamics of

ocean circulation, interactions with troposphere. Ocean-atmosphere heat engine.


Meteorological Instruments and Observational Methods

NMET021 [4] Halenka, Tomáš 3/0 Ex —

Introduction to basic techniques of measurements of meteorological elements, principles

of meteorological instruments and observational methods.


Seminar on Meteorology [B]

NMET027 [4] Halenka, Tomáš 0/1 C 0/1 C

Actual meteorological problems for non-specialist in meteorology.


Climate Change Modelling [DF8]

NMET519 [3] Halenka, Tomáš — 2/0 Ex

Introduction in climate modelling, climate models development. Basic principles of

global climate models, dynamical downscaling – regional climate models. Climate models

results postprocessing, validation of climate models, basic experiments.

Applied Climatology I

NMET071 [3] Holtanová, Eva — 2/0 Ex

The subject is devoted to following topics. Various data types, their character and

sources in climatology. Introduction to the use of statistical software and GIS for processing

of climatic data. Homogeneity and homogenization. Basics of agroclimatology.

Problems of alternative energy sources – solar and wind energy.


Aviation meteorology

NMET015 [3] Huszár, Peter — 2/0 Ex

Influence of meteorological elements and processes on the aviation activity. Selected

methods used in solving the convection problems for sport planes. Importance of weather

conditions on the aviation activity for the agriculture purposes.


User-friendly Linux

NMET065 [4] Huszár, Peter 0/3 C —

Fundamentals of the Linux operating system for beginners and oriented on the meteorological



Contemporary Issues in Synoptic Climatology [DF8]

NMET520 [3] Huth, Radan 2/0 Ex —

The course concentrates on topical issues in synoptic climatology: i.a., methods of

description of atmospheric circulation, subjective and objective classifications of synoptic

patterns, weather, and air masses; relationships between atmospheric circulation and

surface climatic and environmental variables.

Applications of Multivariate Statistical Methods in Meteorology and Climatology


NMET512 [3] Huth, Radan — 2/0 Ex

Introduction to multivariate statistical methods currently used in meteorology and climatology,

with emphasis on their practical applications


Atmospheric Turbulence

NMET032 [4] Janour, Zbynek 3/0 Ex —

It acquaints with fundamental characteristics of the turbulent flow. It introduces the

turbulent flow equations and it introduces the turbulence modells.


Seminar on Climatology [DF8]

NMET514 [3] Kalvová, Jaroslava — 0/2 C

Actual topics in climatology, global and regional climate models, climate variability and

changes, climate change scenarios, extreme events


Physical Measurement Processing Methods

NMET050 [6] Kalvová, Jaroslava; Mikšovský, Jirí — 2/2 Ex

Probability, random variable, descriptive statistics, probability distributions, parameter

estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, correlations and linear regression.


Models in Climatology and Hydrology

NMET057 [6] Kalvová, Jaroslava » 2/2 Ex «

subject for Natural Sciences Faculty of MU in Brno

Radiation-active Gases in Atmosphere [DF8]

NMET501 [3] Kalvová, Jaroslava 2/0 Ex —

Emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols, radiative forcing. Role of the global ocean

in the climate system. Global climate models, regional models, statistical downscaling,

weather generators. Natural climate variability, forced variability.


Regional Climatology and Climatography of the Czech Republic

NMET009 [6] Kalvová, Jaroslava; Žák, Michal 4/0 Ex —

Climate classifications, descriptions of the climate zones and types, climates of the

continents, climate of the Czech Republic.


Climate Change Scenarios [DF8]

NMET518 [3] Kalvová, Jaroslava — 2/0 Ex

global and regional climate models, methods of model outputs validation, emission

scenarios, methods of climate change scenarios construction


Special Seminar on Climatology

NMET010 [4] Kalvová, Jaroslava; Holtanová, Eva — 0/3 C

Past climate, causes of climate change. Anthropogenic influence on climate. Modelling

of climate. Future climate change projections. Extreme events. Urban climate.


Statistical Methods in Meteorology and Climatology

NMET011 [6] Kalvová, Jaroslava; Mikšovský, Jirí 2/2 C, Ex —

Nonlinear regression, multivariate methods, multiple linear regression, principal component

analysis, cluster analysis. Time series in meteorology, Markov chains, autoregressive



General Climatology

NMET012 [6] Kalvová, Jaroslava; Holtanová, Eva; Kyselý, Jan 4/0 Ex —

Components of climate system, climate, feedback mechanisms. Observed mean state

of the atmosphere, oceans, cryosphere, land surfaces, the ocean-atmosphere exchange

processes. Atmospheric radiative transfer, the radiation balance, the energy balance.

The hydrological cycle and water balance, moisture in atmosphere. Atmospheric general

circulation, zonal and meridional mean circulation, vertical structure of the circulation,

QBO, ENSO, tropical cyclones, local circulations systems. Variability modes. The urban



Numerical Solution of Flow Problems [F]

NMAF036 [5] Kozel, Karel 2/1 C, Ex —

This lecture deals with introduction to numerical methods used for the solution of

some fluid flows problems described by potential , inviscid and viscous model.We mention

also basic difference schemes mainly used for computation of inviscid(Euler) and

viscous(Navier-Stokes) flows, some theoretical problems and also practical use of these

schemes. In the last part of the lecture some simple numerical simulation of physical

and engineering problems(applications in external and internal aerodynamics) using

finite difference and finite volume methods are mentioned.


Climate extremes and their modelling

NMET075 [3] Kyselý, Jan — 2/0 Ex

Climate extremes may be associated with large negative impacts on society and ecosystems,

and their investigation (from both climatological and statistical points of view)

attracts much attention. Advances in the extreme value analysis as part of mathematical

statistics have often been motivated by issues dealt with in climatology, hydrology

and other related fields of research.


Stratosphere and Mesosphere [DF8]

NMET510 [3] Laštovicka, Jan 2/0 Ex —

Basic structure of the stratosphere and mesosphere, stratosphere-troposphere Exchange


Time Series Processing Methods

NMET063 [5] Mikšovský, Jirí — 2/1 C, Ex

The lecture presents basic principles of various techniques for processing of measured

and numerically simulated time series, with special emphasis to the needs of meteorology

and climatology. Traditional linear methods are shown, as well as techniques of analysis

and processing of nonlinear and chaotic signals. The lecture is suitable for students in

the 4th a 5th year and doctoral students.


Seminar on Projects I

NMET061 [6] Mikšovský, Jirí; Holtanová, Eva repeat 0/4 C —

A series of presentations by doctoral students, members of the Department of meteorology

and guests from cooperating institutions, dealing with currently investigated

research topics. Suitable for students in the final year of the master study and doctoral



Seminar on Projects II

NMET062 [6] Mikšovský, Jirí; Holtanová, Eva repeat — 0/4 C

A series of presentations by doctoral students, members of the Department of meteorology

and guests from cooperating institutions, dealing with the currently investigated

research topics. Suitable for students in the final year of the master study and doctoral



Seminar on Physical Measurement Processing

NMET049 [3] Mikšovský, Jirí — 0/2 C not taught

Practical application of statistical methods to meteorological data.

Co-requisite: NMET050


Seminar on Meteorology for Bachelor Students I

NMET069 [3] Pišoft, Petr; Huszár, Peter; Belda, Michal 0/2 C —

The aim of the seminar is to introduce contemporary problems in meteorology and

possible topics of the bachalors theses. Seminar is also proposed for consultations and

monitoring of how students do proceed in their work on bachelors theses.


Seminar on Meteorology for Bachelor Students II

NMET070 [3] Pišoft, Petr; Huszár, Peter; Belda, Michal — 0/2 C

Seminar is also proposed for consultations and monitoring of how students do proceed

in their work on bachelors theses.


Oceans in Climate System

NMET068 [6] Pišoft, Petr — 2/2 C, Ex

Fundamentals and role of the oceans in the climate system, their climatology, vertical

and horizontal distribution of physical quantities, dynamics of the oceans circulation.



NMET067 [6] Pišoft, Petr 2/2 C, Ex —

Climatological characteristics and structure of the stratosphere, annual cycle of meteorological

variables in the stratosphere, sudden stratospheric warmings, ozone and its

role in the atmosphere, (photo)chemical processes.


Deterministic Chaos [F]

NMAF026 [3] Raidl, Aleš — 2/0 Ex

Some concepts of dynamical system theory. Ergodic systems and systems with mixing.

Chaos in hamiltonian systems, chaos in dissipative systems. Strange attractors, fractal

dimensions, Lyapunov exponents, K entropy. Applications in atmospheric physics and

climate theory. Lecture is suitable for students of physics since 2nd year.


Atmospheric Dynamics

NMET074 [6] Raidl, Aleš 3/1 C, Ex —

Introduction to atmospheric thermodynamics and dynamic meteorology

Incompatibility: NMET023 Interchangeability: NMET023



NMET034 [6] Raidl, Aleš — 3/1 C, Ex

Elements of ideal and real fluids motion. Applications in atmospheric physics are emphasized

in the lecture.


Predictability of Atmospheric Processes [DF8]

NMET507 [3] Raidl, Aleš — 2/0 Ex

Atmospheric processes predictability from point of view dynamical system theory


Special Seminar on Meteorology I

NMET038 [4] Raidl, Aleš 0/3 C —

Actual problems of meteorological service and research.


Special Seminar on Meteorology II

NMET039 [4] Raidl, Aleš — 0/3 C

Actual problems of meteorological service and research.


Atmospheric Thermodynamics [B]

NMET052 [3] Raidl, Aleš 1/1 C, Ex — not taught

Basic knowledge of atmospheric thermodynamics


Wave Motions and Energetics of the Atmosphere

NMET025 [4] Raidl, Aleš 3/0 Ex —

Theory of wave processes and energy transformation in atmosphere.


Selected Topics on Geophysical Hydrodynamics

NMET517 [3] Raidl, Aleš — 2/0 Ex

Lecture deals with selected problems of geophysical fluid dynamics (atmosphere and

ocean). The lecture is suitable for higher classes of MSc. study and Ph.D. students.

Previues lectures needed: „Dynamic meteorologyÿ and „Wave motion and atmospheric



Applied Physics of Clouds and Precipitation [DF8]

NMET511 [3] Rezácová, Daniela — 2/0 Ex

The course deals with the application of cloud and precipitation physics in various nonmeteorological

fields and discusses examples of the applied mathematical modelling of

cloud and precipitation processes. Specific examples considered in more details are the

influence of cloud and precipitation on microwave propagation, estimation of probable

maximum precipitation and cooling tower plume modelling.


Expert Systems in Meteorology [DF8]

NMET506 [3] Rezácová, Daniela 2/0 Ex —

Basic properties of expert systems are summarized and the applicability of expert systems

in meteorology is discussed. Costruction and application of problem oriented meteorological

expert systems is presented on a few examples that deal with the forecast of

convective events, air pollution, icing on communications e.t.c.


Mathematical Modelling of Cloud and Precipitation Processes in Atmosphere

NMET054 [3] Rezácová, Daniela 2/0 Ex —

Mathematical modeling focused on atmospheric processes that contribute to the evolution

of cloud and precipitation systems. Cloud processes on various time scale and

space scale. Techniques applied in objective precipitation forecasting in midlatitudes.


Satellite and Radar Observations of Meteorological Phenomena I

NMET020 [5] Setvák, Martin; Novák, Petr — 2/1 C, Ex

Recent remote sensing and detection methods in meteorology – basic principles.


Satellite and Radar Observations of Meteorological Phenomena II

NMET073 [5] Setvák, Martin; Novák, Petr 2/1 C, Ex —

Applications of remote sensing methods in meteorology – advanced techniques. Severe

convective storms and their accompanying weather phenomena.


Ojective analysis of meteorological fields

NMET014 [6] Sokol, Zbynek — 4/0 MC

Annotation Complex analysis of meteorological fields. Assimilation of data into numerical

weather prediction models. Knowledge gained from lecture „Synoptic Meteorology

I and IIÿ and „Analysis of weather charts Iÿ is supposed.


Analysis of weather charts

NMET013 [6] Žák, Michal 1/3 MC —

Principles of the meteorological observation coding, analysis of meteorological elements.

Analysis of atmospheric fronts and special weather characteristics. Knowledge gained

from lecture „Synoptic Meteorology Iÿ is supposed.


Synoptic Meteorology I

NMET035 [3] Žák, Michal — 2/0 Ex

Composition and vertical structure of the Earth’s atmosphere, diurnal and annual variation

of meteorological elements. Stability criteria of air masses, their application to the

detailed description of pressure systems and atmospheric fronts (Bergen school). Air



Synoptic Meteorology II

NMET036 [4] Žák, Michal 3/0 Ex —

Atmospheric fronts, the structure of cyclones and anticyclones in the mid latitudes and

their diagnosis and prediction. Relations between numerical weather prediction methods

and classical Bergen school methods.


Appliead climatology II

NMET072 [3] Žák, Michal 2/0 Ex —

Further possibilities of climate data applications, especially in technical praxis. The

scope will be given on practical processing of measured data. Knowledge gained from

lecture „Applied Climatology Iÿ is supposed.


Aerosol Engineering

NMET064 [3] Ždímal, Vladimír — 2/0 Ex

Introduction into the aerosol field.

Basically selection of modules marked with DF8 is subscribed, but in case of the student without prior course in meteorology other modules from magister or batchelor study can be selected.